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The warming trend will continue into the weekend as the mercury in the thermometer will reach the 70° mark in a number of areas east of Interstate 81. High pressure will be part of the weather equation today helping to keep t
Map showing temperature departures from average on Wednesday morning. Image:
Record early cold air for early fall has enveloped a region from the Upper Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico, sending temperatures plunging to record lows.
The big picture: Freeze warnings are
As water temperatures rise in the West, it’s becoming unethical to catch trout. But for anglers willing to make the journey, the solution might just lie in the mountains
By Christine Peterson |
Gareth Butterfield sets up the Netatmo Smart Weather Station at his home in the blustery Peak District
As I write this there's a storm brewing. A low-pressure system is arriving across the Atlantic, and it's going to get a bit wet, wild and windy.
Yes, I'm a weather
As a public service, The Greenville News, Spartanburg Herald-Journal and Anderson Independent Mail are making storm coverage free to readers as long as the region is threatened. Check back for updates through the day. To help us continue keeping you informed, please consider supporting us w
Last weekend, the University of Iowa’s John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center (Iowa JPEC) hosted its annual Startup Games Competition.
The Startup Games is a three-day event where students from all areas of study pitch their ideas to have an impact. After the student pitches, teams were
KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, US — Monitoring the temperature, moisture content and carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in stored grain is essential to maintaining quality. Aeration with ambient air is the most common method used to manage grain temperature, moisture content, and CO2 levels. Still, the com
Monitor two kinds of meat with this ThermoPro meat thermometer (and others) on sale from Amazon
We’re coming up towards the end of spring and summer is right around the corner. At my house, that means more time spent grilling out and enjoying get togethers with friends and family. One